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Chapter 3 - Blur


Dernière mise à jour : 27 mai 2023

Days passed and Victoria's only thoughts were this girl seen at Lizzie's, but also this message received a few days earlier, which remained unanswered and was accompanied by a multitude of questions.

She decided to go out for some fresh air, to go around the city looking for answers, it was 8pm when she passed in front of Lizzie's, she cast a furtive glance towards the entrance the one or both Mox was still posted, it is there that her heart raced when she saw the young woman get out of her vehicle and head to the bar. At the time, she didn't know what to do, she didn't know if she should go home or continue on her way in search of answers. After a few moments of hesitation, she headed to the Afterlife, where she hoped to meet someone who could tell her more about what had happened to T-Bug.

Arriving at the bar, she asked the waitress to serve her a Johnny Silverand, and could not help but ask the lady standing in front of her for information :

- Hi Claire, did you hear about what happened to T-Bug a few days ago? I need to know.......

- Hey Vic, you know some things are not what she thinks it is, we think we need an answer to a subject, but in reality it's something else that we are looking for, to answer your question, you will have to address someone else I'm afraid, say that the story of this heist is a sensitive subject here.

- But who can I ask? I don't know anyone but you here....

- Don't worry, you'll find the person who will give you your answers, and I'm sure you'll find it (She said, nodding towards the VIP table).

Victoria then looked from the side of the table and saw Snape, the queen of the Afterlife, a living legend of Night-City, could she bring her the answers she needed, she continued to hesitate to start while enjoying her drink, when suddenly a young woman with the alure of nomad goes to the VIP table screaming at the owner of the bar. After long minutes of exchange, the young woman left and the field was clear. She then decided to go for it, but as soon as she arrived at the level of the guard, Snape said a few words :

- After all that happened there, you finally decide to come and see me, I thought that you would have been more intelligent and that you would have come directly Victoria (She said, turning to her).

- How do you know my name? And who told you about the heist?

- Don't you know? Everyone is talking about you here, about this complete mess with Dex and your team, what was your friend's name already? Jackie is it?

- I forbid you to talk about .....

She hadn't even finished her sentence when Rogue cut her off and replied straight in the eye:

- You will have to be careful how you talk to certain people, you try to get answers, it's obvious, but everything has a price, so if you want to know what happened, you will have to lengthen the money or manage on your own, my great.

Furious, Victoria decided to leave the bar without looking back, despite a few words from the boss:

- See you soon, Victoria.

Just out of the Afterlife, Victoria received a message from the same unknown number, her first reflex was not to read it but to try to call the number in question, unfortunately the communication does not lead to anything. Still angry after the exchange with Snape, she put away her phone without paying attention to the message she had received and decided to go to Lizzie's for a drink, just to decompress and recover from her emotions.

During the journey, the words of the queen of the Afterlife echoed in her head, she who knew things, but refused to say any information without seeing the color of a note on her table, Victoria was beside herself and not being focused on the road, which almost caused an accident with a blue van in front of Lizzie's, Out of control, she got out of her car in a rage, saying :

- FUCK!! My car, you don't know how to wat............

The end of her sentence did not come out when she saw the girl with green hair melting pink in front of her all panicked as she exclaimed:

- OH MY GOD!! Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking ahead....

Victoria embarrassed, replied :

- No it's okay, don't worry, I'm fine, more fear than harm.

- I'm so distracted, I should have been more careful, I'm terribly sorry miss.....

- Don't worry, I'm in tors too, I wasn't focused on the road.

- Is there anything I can do to make myself forgive?

She hesitated and then launched herself, telling herself that she might never have a better opportunity :

- Perhaps you could invite me for a drink, we could get to know each other while regaining our spirits, what do you say?

The girl blushed and replied embarrassedly :

- Well.... it will be . . . with pleasure, I know the people here, come, I offer the first drink, but be careful, I'm not the type to limit myself to one drink (She said smiling while looking at Victoria embarrassed).

- I don't worry, I'm not the type to stop until the bottle is empty.

The two girls burst out laughing and walked towards the entrance of Lizzie's.

The evening went well for the two girls, while it was 4 a.m, they came out of Lizzie's and exchanged numbers. the girl said to Victoria before walking away :

- By the way, I know we talked a lot and laughed, but you didn't tell me your name.

- That's right, I didn't see the time pass, it was nice, but you didn't tell me your name either.

- Judy, my name is Judy Alvarez, the queen of the braindance haha.

- Braindance?

- I'll explain it to you one day.

- No worries with pleasure, I'm Victoria, Victoria Carver, delighted.

- And very enchanted too.

Judy kissed Victoria on the cheek before walking away, waving her wide.

As Victoria returned home, she remembered the message she hadn't taken the time to read, and hurried to pick up her phone to read the message :

<< So0n y0u will kn0w the wh0le truth, 1t m4y b3 tim3 for us t0 m3et s0 th4t I 3xpla1n wh0 i am 4nd wh4t i kn0w about T-Bug, and y3s i know th4t you ar3 try1ng t0 kn0w wh4t r3ally h4ppen3d to h3r, d0 not w0rry, you w1ll kn0w in du3 tim3. In 2 d4ys y0u will r3ceive3 a ph0ne c4ll on th0 strokes of 2 p.m, 1f you w4nt answ3rs, answ3r this c4ll, 1 count 0n you. S1gn3d 8. >>

Victoria could not believe this message, she was finally going to have answers to all her questions. But who could it be? Who was this person who always signed "8" has his messages?

Hours passed, it was now 6 a.m, and Victoria fell asleep while thinking about Judy and knowing that she would soon have answers to this whole story.



Victoria Carver story

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